Medical / Rx

Medical Plan Options

Your health is your very best resource. Take advantage of isolved benefits, leverage your health, and get energized to achieve your goals and be the best version of you. Read on to learn more about the great medical benefits isolved offers you and your family.
All medical plans offer access to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) network of providers and facilities. While you can visit any doctor, you’ll save the most money by using in-network physicians or facilities.
Health Plan Machine Readable Files (MRF’s)
Learn more about your medical plan options:


Base & Buy-Up HSA Plans

With the BCBSNC HSA Plans, you pay for all medical services until you reach the annual deductible. After your annual deductible is met, the plan pays for a percentage of covered services, known as coinsurance. When you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay 100% for all eligible in-network expenses for the remainder of the calendar year. When you enroll in these medical plans, you may be eligible to open a Health Savings Account (HSA) to help pay for eligible health care expenses (deductibles, coinsurance, and prescriptions) with pre-tax dollars.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan

With the BCBSNC PPO medical plan, you pay a copay for in-network office visits or prescriptions. The PPO plan covers the same benefits and has an embedded deductible where an individual member of the family only needs to meet the individual deductible before the plan begins to pay.

Medical Plan Summary



*Out-of-network coverage is also available. Review your benefits summary for complete details.
**Non-Embedded Deductible: The entire family deductible amount must be met before the plan begins to pay, even if only one family member has medical costs.
***Embedded Deductible: Only a single member of a family needs to meet the individual deductible before coinsurance begins; the entire family deductible does not need to be met.

Prescription Drug Coverage

When you enroll in an isolved medical plan, you automatically receive prescription drug coverage with Drexi.

Drexi is your Pharmacy Benefits Manager. Drexi brings you a transparent prescription program and unique portal for your non-high cost/non-specialty drugs.

Transparency of costs and options for pharmaceuticals allows participants to be smart consumers of their healthcare needs. You have access to all national pharmacy chains and most smaller local pharmacies.

Once you are enrolled in the plan, create a member account at:

Plan Features$4,000 HSA Base Plan$2,000 HSA Buy-up PlanPPO Plan
Prescription Drug – Retail (Up to 30-day supply)
Preventive OTC Medications &  ContraceptiveCovered in fullCovered in fullCovered in full
Preventive Prescriptions20%, deductible wavied20%, deductible waviedApplicable copay applies
Tier 1 & 2 (Generic)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$15 copay
Tier 3 (Brand)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$45 copay
Tier 4 (Non-Preferred Brand)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$100 copay
Tier 5 (Specialty)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible25% (minimum $50 / maximum $200) per script
Prescription Drug – Mail Order  (Up to 90-day supply)
Preventive OTC Medications &  ContraceptiveCovered in fullCovered in fullCovered in full
Preventive Prescriptions20%, deductible wavied20%, deductible waviedApplicable copay applies
Tier 1 & 2 (Generic)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$45 copay
Tier 3 (Brand)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$135 copay
Tier 4 (Non-Preferred Brand)20% after medical deductible20% after medical deductible$300 copay


*Out-of-network coverage is also available. Review your benefits summary for complete details.

Best Ways to Save on Rx

  • Go Generic. Ask your doctor for generic drugs to keep your costs as low as possible. If you choose a brand name drug when a generic drug is available, you will pay the difference in cost in addition to the copay.
  • Use Mail Order. Use the Mail Order program for the daily maintenance medications you take for chronic conditions.

2024 Medical Premiums

Your payroll deduction for medical are shown here.

BCBSNC Blue Options HDHP

$4,000 HSA Base Plan
Employee CostMonthlyPer Pay Period
Employee Only$50$25
Employee + Spouse$290$145
Employee + Child(ren)$254$127
Employee + Family$379$189

BCBSNC Blue Options HDHP

$2,000 HSA Buy-up Plan
Employee CostMonthlyPer Pay Period
Employee Only$139$70
Employee + Spouse$369$185
Employee + Child(ren)$321$160
Employee + Family$531$266

BCBSNC Blue Options PPO Copay Plan

Employee CostMonthlyPer Pay Period
Employee Only$222$111
Employee + Spouse$509$255
Employee + Child(ren)$441$221
Employee + Family$738$369

When searching for participating providers or pharmacy inquires, please select the below networks during your search. This information is also located on your BCBNC ID Card.

Medical Provider Network:
Blue Options PPO
Pharmacy Network: Drexi
Medical Group ID #: 14167375
(applies to all isolved plans)

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