
Navigate / isolved Wellness Program Overview

Brought to you by your Wellness Committee Wellness@isolvedhcm.com

Benefit Premium Discount
Premium Discount amount: $42 per pay period
*for Medical Pre-Tax HSA/Employee only plan, the premium will be $0, no remaining credit from the $42

Eligibility: enrolled in isolved medical insurance
Earning Criteria: REQUIRED >Well Being Survey + *4000 points/$40 in Rewards Store.
• Wellness Survey: taken on Navigate portal.
• 4000 points: earned through various challenges and action items in Navigate portal.

Reward Store $’s
Eligibility: all participants
Earning Criteria: REQUIRED > Wellness Survey + 4000 points/$40 in Rewards Store.
• ALL employees will also have the capability to earn 4000 additional points/$40 in the Rewards Store. The maximum points eligible to redeem in the Rewards Store is 8000 points/$80.
• Points are earned through various challenges and action items in Navigate portal.

*Every 100 points earned is equivalent to $1 in the Rewards Store (max amount to be earned for Rewards Store is $80 per year. Points cannot carry over to the following year). Points earned in 2024 will be awarded on December 10, 2024, and will expire on January 31, 2025

**All screenings, exams, and vaccinations that take place between December 1, 2023,
and November 30, 2024, will be accepted.

Annual Eligibility
The Wellness year is from December through November. This is the “earning window.” Employees have from December 1 through November 30th to qualify for the following year’s benefit premium discount. The discount is applied from January – December of the qualifying year and is deducted from your medical premium (you will not see a $42 credit on your paycheck).

Quarterly Wellness Allowance
$25 Rewards Store credit per quarter for qualifying wellness activities. Participants upload a receipt/s each quarter for $25 in Rewards Store. Receipt amount must be $25 or more for each quarter and specify the wellness activity. The $25 reward is given on the 10th of each month for prior month submission.
*All quarterly receipts need to be submitted by November 30, 2024, including for Q4.

Contact isolved Wellness Committee with any questions: Wellness@isolvedhcm.com

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